看看幕墙的背后,认识屡获殊荣的开创性建筑师。丹麦建筑中心的新大型展览 Backstage 重点关注影响我们所有人的丹麦建筑中的关键困境。我们(仍然)能负担得起在城市的生活吗?城市是否有能力应对气候变化?
Pay attention to the difficulties faced by Danish architecture
Look behind the curtain wall and meet the award-winning groundbreaking architects. Backstage, a new large-scale exhibition at the Danish Architecture Center, focuses on the key dilemmas in Danish architecture that affect all of us. Can we (still) afford life in the city? Can cities cope with climate change?
Pay attention to the difficulties faced by Danish architecture | Exhibition Hall of Danish Architecture Center
This exhibition gives visitors a unique understanding of what happens in the background when architects and urban planners create urban spaces and buildings that form the framework of our lives. It focuses on the forces driving development, the inevitable mistakes made by architects in this process, and how we can solve these mistakes.
Visitors will actually go backstage and spend some time thinking and discussing some of these complicated issues, so as to better understand the real interests behind the scenes. The exhibition takes the form of a charming drama stage. Different sets, scenes and stories can be watched separately, but combined to tell a complete story.
Through a large number of cases, photos, 1:1 installations, architectural models, movies and interactive elements, Backstage depicts what makes Danish architecture stand out and what it means to you and me.