©Ilya Ivanov
The Berlin Cold War Museum is a museum located in the center of Berlin, between the Brandenburg Gate and the Humboldt Forum. The museum will officially open to the public in November 2022. The museum covers an area of more than 1,600 square meters and has two floors. The museum uses high-tech means to show the Cold War struggle during the Soviet Union from 1945 to 1991 from multiple perspectives through interactive virtual applications and carefully selected exhibits, making this history accessible to multiple
项目地点:Unter den Linden 14, 10117 Berlin, www.coldwarmuseum.de
项目负责人:Valeria Kashirina
团队:Lev Chestakov, Merle Kleinschumacher
Berlin Cold War Museum
The exhibition design of the Berlin Cold War Museum pays great attention to sustainability, while also emphasizing the reuse of the original building structure. The museum is located on the two floors of a commercial building at No. 14 Unter den Linden Street in the center of Berlin. It was originally the exhibition hall of a German car brand and was used before August 2019. In the new design scheme, the existing layout of display areas, stairs, corridors and entryways was preserved, and the main part of the original fixtures were integrated into the new display scheme. When selecting a partner company, the project team paid particular attention to the locality and conducted sustainability tests on the selected materials.
©Ilya Ivanov
©Ilya Ivanov
©Ilya Ivanov
在进入柏林冷战博物馆的门厅时,参观者将会穿过一道象征性的“铁幕”。这个装置由乌克兰艺术家Vanda Sakhatska设计,由20个钢制元件组成,遮挡住了面向街道一侧的窗户。铁幕的上半部分通过打孔方式印上了冷战时期活跃的数位政治家的肖像,包括赫尔穆特·科尔、罗纳德·里根、米哈伊尔·戈尔巴乔夫、约瑟夫·斯大林、温斯顿·丘吉尔、哈里·杜鲁门、尼基塔·赫鲁晓夫以及约翰·肯尼迪。下半部分展示了在“核裁军运动”期间团结起来的人群形象。
Upon entering the foyer of the Berlin Cold War Museum, visitors pass through a symbolic "Iron Curtain". Designed by Ukrainian artist Vanda Sakhatska, the installation consists of 20 steel elements that shade the windows on the street-facing side. The upper half of the Iron Curtain is perforated with portraits of several active Cold War statesmen, including Helmut Kohl, Ronald Reagan, Mikhail Gorbachev, Joseph Stalin, Winston Churchill, Harry Truman, Nikita Khrushchev, and John F. Kennedy. The bottom half shows an image of the crowd united during the "Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament".
©Ilya Ivanov
©Ilya Ivanov
When sunlight shines through the windows into the foyer, visitors can clearly see the figures and portraits on the Iron Curtain. From the outside of the building, the patterns on the perforated panels are not clear during the day, but at night when they are fully lit, they will be displayed to dramatic effect towards the boulevard. Unlike the grim and industrial feel of the Iron Curtain, the ground in the entrance area shines bright red, giving it a sense of energy and welcome.
©Ilya Ivanov
©Ilya Ivanov
©Ilya Ivanov
The exhibition area on the first floor is entered through an entrance similar to a sluice. The first part of the exhibition features a black and white checkerboard pattern floor design, through which visitors move like moving chess pieces, experiencing Cold War history in an immersive way. Interactive displays in the exhibition hall will feature contemporary documentaries, photographs, animations and videos of witnesses. Carefully selected exhibits are also presented in rotation in the showcases. Visitors can activate the audio guide by scanning the QR code, and use their smartphones to smoothly complete the exhibition tour.
©Ilya Ivanov
©Ilya Ivanov
©Ilya Ivanov
这座博物馆的内饰设计充满了创意和细节。特别值得一提的是墙壁上嵌有的显示器,它们被包覆在刷成锈红色的耐候钢材料中,营造出一种老旧、工业的氛围。在较暗的房间中,黑色天花板的映衬进一步加强了这种氛围。同时,这种材料产生的锈迹也与Enrico Mau和Fabian Brueckner创作的涂鸦墙壁形成了呼应的关系,共同诠释了冷战时期的历史和文化。
The interior design of this museum is full of creativity and details. Of particular note are the displays embedded in the walls, which are clad in weathering steel painted rust red, creating an old, industrial vibe. In the darker room, the black ceiling accentuates the ambiance even further. At the same time, the rust produced by this material also forms an echo relationship with the graffiti walls created by Enrico Mau and Fabian Brueckner, jointly interpreting the history and culture of the Cold War period.
©Ilya Ivanov
在楼梯对面的展览区域,参观者可以沉浸在一个仿佛置身于柏林街头的环境中。这里的展品包括了Boris Hars-Tschachotin的装置作品,参观者还可以通过VR眼镜的体验,从不同角度观看东德士兵Conrad Schumann那著名的“自由一跃”事件。这一事件发生在1961年8月15日,在柏林Bernauer和Ruppiner街道的封锁边界转角处,如今这里已经成为了一个象征自由和团结的标志。整个展览区域的布局和设计,旨在让参观者感受到当时柏林墙所带来的分裂和隔离,以及人们为了追求自由而作出的努力和牺牲。
In the exhibition area opposite the stairs, visitors can immerse themselves in an environment that feels like they are on the streets of Berlin. The exhibits here include installation works by Boris Hars-Tschachotin, and visitors can also watch East German soldier Conrad Schumann's famous "Leap to Freedom" from different angles through the experience of VR glasses. The incident took place on August 15, 1961, at the corner of the blocked border in Berlin's Bernauer and Ruppiner streets, which has become a symbol of freedom and solidarity today. The layout and design of the entire exhibition area aims to make visitors feel the division and isolation brought about by the Berlin Wall at that time, as well as the efforts and sacrifices made by people in pursuit of freedom.
©Ilya Ivanov
©Ilya Ivanov
©Ilya Ivanov
These themed graffiti are not just decoration, they are also part of the overall design of the museum, emphasizing the core concept of the museum and providing visitors with a deeper visiting experience. At the same time, when viewed from above, the connection between different areas is more obvious. This design approach not only meets the aesthetic needs, but also conveys the complexity of the historical story, enhancing the visitor experience.
©Ilya Ivanov
©Ilya Ivanov
©Ilya Ivanov
©Ilya Ivanov
©Ilya Ivanov
©Ilya Ivanov
©Sergei Tchoban
©Sergei Tchoban
©Sergei Tchoban
©Sergei Tchoban
©Sergei Tchoban
©Sergei Tchoban
©TCHOBAN VOSS Architekten
©TCHOBAN VOSS Architekten
项目地点:Unter den Linden 14, 10117 Berlin, www.coldwarmuseum.de
客户:CWM COLD WAR Museum GmbH, Berlin
CEO 冷战博物馆:Carsten Kollmeier、CFO Harald Braun
楼层 展览:2
开幕:2022 年 11 月
建筑师:Sergei Tchoban
设计“铁幕”:Vanda Sakhatska
项目合作伙伴:Stephan Lohre
项目负责人:Valeria Kashirina
团队:Lev Chestakov, Merle Kleinschumacher
金属结构:Dieringer Blechfertigung OHG,柏林
涂鸦艺术:Enrico Mau aka Demut;Fabian Brückner aka Kirk
Flooring:Sika Deutschland GmbH,斯图加特
木工工作:WEIGEL GmbH, Neustadt/Siebenhitz
摄影师:Ilya Ivanov